What Are ClickView Preferences?
To help give users a personalized feel within ClickView, we have improved the way we capture your preferences. At ClickView we understand that your requirements for content may differ from person to person, so we have improved the way we capture your preferences to help give all users a personalized ClickView experience.
New users logging in for the first time will experience our personalization process. Existing users of ClickView will not be required to go through the personalization process, but, for the best possible experience, ClickView recommends setting up your preferences.
New users to ClickView will be taken on an improved personalization journey prior to using ClickView. During this three-step process, we aim to gather your interests so that we can personalize the ClickView content so it’s more relevant to you.
Upon logging in for the first time, users will be prompted to complete their account and be taken to the following screen. Let’s Get Started!
Step 1 - Users will be presented with a screen like the one below. Year Group options may vary between institutes depending on the grades that are being taught. The example in these screenshots, are from an elementary school.
Select the year group/s that are most relevant to you. You can select one or multiple.
**For users who teach a broad spectrum of year groups and/or administrative users, you can opt to choose the “I teach all year groups” option in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen**
Step 2 – Start to customize your content.
Select any relevant teaching areas that are applicable to you. You can select one or multiple.
**For users teaching a broad spectrum of topics and/or administrative users, you can opt to choose the “I’m interested in all topics” option in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen**
Step 3 – Confirm your preferences.
Users will be presented with a confirmation screen which will list your previous selections. Click the “Save My Preferences” button to complete your preference choice.
**please note, that your selections during this process, will be used to promote content from the chosen topics. Other topics and content, will still be available to you**
We believe the preferences allow for a greater user experience within ClickView, and this is available for all users. Existing users can click through Settings > Personalization
Click on Personalization under the settings menu on the left-hand side of the screen:
Existing users will be taken to the start of the three-step process.
Step 1 - Select the year group/s that are most relevant to you. You can select one or multiple.
**For users who teach a broad spectrum of year groups and/or administrative users, you can opt to choose the “I teach all year groups” option in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen**
Step 2 – Start to customize your content.
Select any relevant teaching area’s that are applicable to you. You can select one or multiple.
**For users teaching a broad spectrum of topics and/or administrative users, you can opt to choose the “I’m interested in all topics” option in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen**
Step 3 – Confirm your preferences.
Users will be presented with a confirmation screen which will list your previous selections. Click the “Save My Preferences” button to complete your preference choice.
**please note, that your selections will only promote content from the chosen topics. Other topics will still be available to you**
For users that have not completed their preferences, a subtle reminder will be displayed on their dashboard as a reminder for them to complete the personalization process.
Clicking the “Complete my profile” button, will direct users through the three-step process above.
Yes. Preferences can be changed at any time. Please see the section above - Preferences for Existing ClickView Users
How Do My Preferences Affect What I See?
Based on the topics and year groups selected by users during the personalization process, the browsing experience of ClickView will be highly curated to prioritize content that aligns with the users preferences.