This article will guide educators through the Grade Passback feature which exists between ClickView and Canvas.
Grade Passback can be used with your interactive videos to retrieve answers/scores from questions that your students answer, however, prior to this functionality being available, you may need to check with your ClickView Administrator to ensure that Canvas and ClickView are integrated. Administrators can review our integration guide, here.
How Do I enable Grade passback?
The setup of the Grade Passback feature, is done within Canvas.
1. Log in to Canvas
2. Click on 'Course' from the left hand side of the screen, and then select your course.
3. To add an assignment, click on the 'Assignments' link.
4. Then click the '+ Assignment' button in the top right of the screen.
5. Set 'Points' to 100 and 'Display Mark as' to 'Percentage'
6. Type a name for your assignment and set the 'Submission Type' field to External Tool.
7. Click 'Find' and select 'ClickView' from the list of available external tools.
8. Click 'Save'
9. A ClickView window will appear. Navigate to your Workspace, and then select and add an Interactive Video.
10. You will find that your ClickView interactive is now available for review under the Assignment Section within Canvas. When you are ready, select the 'Publish' icon as highlighted below to make the assignment visible to Students.
Your Assignment has now been created. Students who attempt the Interactive should appear under Marks.