The ClickView Local Cache 2.0 functions through the use of WebSockets, ServerSentEvents, or via Longpolling, this enables the service to cache data as its played, so that subsequent views are played from the Local Area Network. This article will address the issues which inhibit the video titles from being played-back via the cache and steps to mitigate these issues.
1. Configuring the Local Cache Admin Console
After completing the installation of ClickView Local Cache 2.0, the Local Cache Admin Console configuration page will be presented in a web browser. Detailed steps of the configuration are described in the knowledge-based article: Navigating the Local Cache Admin Console
2. Identifying your Institute with the Local Cache Admin Console
As the first step of the configuration process, you will be prompted to authenticate using your institute’s email address and credentials:
This process will identify and establish a connection with your institute’s ClickView account.
NOTE: This is a one-time only process, any future logins to Local Cache Admin Console will be completed by using a separate set of credentials defined by the ClickView Administrator, as described below:
3. Creating Local Cache Admin Console credentials
The Administrator configuring the Local Cache Admin console will be prompted to create a set of the credentials exclusively for the Local Cache Admin Console:
The username can be any name or an alpha-numeric string designated by the administrator and password should be of a minimum of six characters. Please note that your institute’s email address or any other email address is not compatible as the username.
NOTE: The Local Cache Admin Console credentials will be required to authenticate to the console, it is recommended that these credentials are preserved for future use.
4. Troubleshooting the Local Cache Services
The first step is to always check the 'Online' connectivity of the Local Cache.
This can be done by navigating to http://localhost:9054 in a web browser, preferably Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
NOTE: Internet Explorer is not advisable due to compatibility issues.
- If you encounter the following response:
- Then proceed to check the ClickView Local Cache Services, which can be done by navigating to services.msc:
Start > Run > Type ‘services.msc’ and click OK.
Identify “ClickView Local Cache” in this list:
- Ensure that this service is “Running”.
- If the ClickView Local Cache service is not started, proceed to right-click and select “Start”.
Thereafter, return to http://localhost:9054 and confirming whether the Status is Online – indicated by a green dot:
If ‘Connecting’ or ‘Offline’ is displayed instead of ‘Online’, please make use of the "Fix this error” hyperlink that appears on the right.
If you are encountering an issue with playback via one of the following protocols: HTTP or HTTPS, this will tie back to an issue with the port being used for the service.
The default ports in this case are:
- HTTP - Port 9054
- HTTPS - Port 9055
Typically the issue will lie with Port 9055, as Port 9054 was the default port used by the initial iteration of Local Cache that was bundled with Publisher.
You can resolve the issue with one of two ways:
- Opening the port on the machine, and on any internal firewalls/proxy devices
- Modifying the config.json file that sits within the Local Cache install directory so that Secure Port is using a port that is open / not currently in use.
- To make this change please open config.json as per the below screenshot
- Open the config.json file, and update the Secure port value to a known Open/Not in use port.
- Once the Port has been updated (example below), it's then a matter of saving the config.json file (you may need to stop the ClickView Local Cache Service to make this update depending on your machine).
- Following the change, please ensure that the ClickView Local Cache Service has been restarted via services.msc. Once this has been completed you can verify playback by opening a ClickView title and ensuring that the protocol in use matches the one giving the issue before.
- To make this change please open config.json as per the below screenshot
5. Proxy Settings
Make sure that the proxy settings are filled out in the Local Cache Admin Console and the internet properties.
Local Cache Admin Console
In the admin console, make sure that the address and the port number is filled in and that the username and password, if required, are up-to-date.
Internet Properties
To open the internet properties, search for internet options or press the Windows Key+R and run inetcpl.cpl. Go to Connections -> LAN Settings and enable "Use a proxy server for your LAN". If you have any automatic configurations ticked, please uncheck these boxes and go with the manual proxy.
Enter in the Proxy Address and Port number and tick "Bypass proxy server for local addresses".
Click on "Advanced" and enter your server's IP Address, and into the exceptions, separating each entry with a semicolon (;).
If none of these troubleshooting steps fixes the issue, please contact us at