Single sign-on using RM Unify or Glow is available for sign-in to ClickView Online. Once provisioned, you can click the tile in your Unify or Glow platform to seamlessly log in to ClickView Online. Unify or Glow can also be used to sign in to the iPad, iPhone and Android apps.
Please note: this article only applies to ClickView UK customers.
To provision single sign-on through Unify or Glow, please contact ClickView Support ( and provide:
- your organisation code from Unify or the seed code from Glow (if known)
- domains used for student and staff email addresses
- Year Of Entry (YEO) values for each student group. For more information on YEO values, please refer to FAQ for RM Unify MIS Sync article.
We will then email your RM Unify License to install ClickView app in RM Unify or Glow.
Setup Instructions
Once you receive your RM Unify License,
- Go to RM Unify/Glow log in page and sign in with your admin credentials
- Select App Library from the top menu
- Search for 'ClickView' > choose 'Connect to existing license' > enter RMUnify license key
- If you are prompted to match user accounts, please select 'No, I've not already created accounts in ClickView or don't want RM Unify users linked to them'.
- Once this is all complete, please inform ClickView Support that these steps have been completed and we can finalise the setup. ClickView Support will use the domains that have been passed to us to set up redirection for any users attempting to login through the homepage of ClickView Online. Any user that then enters one of the provided domains email addresses will be automatically redirected to the Unify or Glow sign-in screen.
Year Mappings Rollover
Please note: at the start of each new academic year, Year Of Entry values need to be manually updated in ClickView by the administrator.
- Sign in to ClickView with your admin credentials
- Click on your name in the top right corner and select Settings from the drop-down menu
- Select Integration - SSO to modify single sign-on Year Mappings and update with appropriate Year Of Entry (YOE) values.
For instance, if your school has Year 7 to 11 students and the year 7 group started in 2014 your mappings would look like this:
Once single sign-on has been provisioned, the Unify or Glow becomes the point of login for ClickView Online.