This article will advise the steps required to set video rating access by year group for ClickView. This will allow the ClickView Administrator to set maximum video rating for each year group within the institution.
To set restrictions on an individual video, you can refer to this article on how to manage the Video Access: How to Manage Video/Year Group Access.
1. Log into ClickView using your ClickView administrator account.
To access ClickView Account Administration, please browse to the following address:
- Australian Schools:
- New Zealand schools:
- United Kingdom Schools:
2. Select Settings from the profile drop-down menu located at the top right of the screen:
2. Select 'Year Group Access' under User Management:
3. You should now have a view of the 'Year Group Access' page where you can change the year group's permitted ratings. The current default ratings are:
4. Click on the down arrow for each year group to select a video rating access.
AU and NZ ratings:
UK Ratings:
5. Once all the video ratings have been allocated for each respective year group, click Save.
7. A prompt box advising 'processing...' will appear and disappear shortly. The video ratings have now been allocated and saved for each year group.