Users cannot login to SSO or access the admin page of SSO with a HTTP 503 message occurring when trying to do so.
Note: This article should only be followed if HTTP error 503 appears - if you experience another issue or HTTP error code, do not follow this article and contact ClickView Support for further assistance.
1. Login to the server which you have installed the ClickView Active Directory Connector module installed on to.
2. Click Start, then Administrative Tools, then Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
3. Expand the *server-name* box. Click on Application Pools. As per the screenshot below the 'ClickView Active Directory Connector' the status should show as 'Stopped'.
4. Right-click on the 'ClickView Active Directory Connector' entry > 'Advanced Settings...'
5. Within Advanced Settings, locate the Process Model field Identity. Click on this box and then click on the box to the far right of this (...)
6. This should bring up an Application Pool 'Identity' box. Keep this on 'Custom Account, then Set. This will bring up a Set Credentials box. Specify the custom account that you wish to use.
Note: This custom account should have permissions to query the Active Directory the ClickView SSO module has been set to bind to.
The username should be in domain\user format - as you can see from the screenshot below - my domain in this case is named 'clickview' and the custom account which belongs to the 'Administrators' group within AD that I have specified for use is 'joeadmin'.
Once you have specified the details, click OK. If the details save correctly, click OK within Advanced Settings and then click Start on the ClickView Active Directory Connector service as per the screenshot below.
At this stage you should be able to access the ADI SSO module successfully.