The Administration of ClickView is managed by users with an elevated permission set at your institute. Admin access is granted to users via a tick box within our user management screen, or via SSO if applicable.
If your institute doesn't have a ClickView Administrator, and you're interested in what it means, please email for more information.
To access the Admin options within ClickView, select your name in the top right of the screen and click on 'Settings':
On the left-hand side of the screen, you'll see the following options:
ClickView has a comprehensive user management suite built in. For customers who opt to not use Single Sign On, the user management option will allow you to add/remove users, assign year levels and perform a number of bulk actions. You'll also have access to control the age rating applicable to each year level.
Administrators of ClickView have the ability to set default values for video playback, such as the default resolution - 480p through to 1080p. The higher the resolution, the larger the video size so we also allow administrators to determine the physical size of a user's workspace. Students, Staff and Administrators can be customised. These options tend to be 'one off' in their setup.
Library management is available for customers with their own School Library. Our management option allows Administrators to manage subscribing schools and also enable our Library Review feature.
Administrators are able to view our content updates, create pdf's and apply video access restrictions. Content updates can also be accessed via Library Editor.
Video Access is a feature where Administrators can restrict access to individual videos. Options include, All students, particular year groups, or all students and staff.
Customers who implemented Single Sign On, can review the specific year group codes and amend as necessary - i.e., if year group codes move between year levels.
ClickView integrates with a range of Learning Management and Library Cataloguing Systems through a range of technologies including LTI (1.1 and 1.3), RSS and custom apps.
ClickView works on a range of devices such as Apple TV and Vivi. Devices found on your schools network can be added to ClickView and then become available to teachers in the classroom.
Local Cach is a product made by ClickView to tackle poor internet bandwidth. We recommend this product if schools are experiencing buffering during video playback.
ClickView comes with a built in Analytics suite which is available to Administrators. Analytics are available for logins and video playback.
In addition to these options, Schools have the option to create and curate their own school library. This is achieved through Library Editor. Administrators are granted access to Library Editor if it is enabled at your school. A high-level overview of Library Editor can be found here
For help and guidance on any of the features in this article, including the enabling of Library Editor, please email our support team on